Facebook: Fresh feature will permit users to know who doesn t like them, Daily Mail Online

Now Facebook lets you see who’s ‘defriended’ you: Embarrassing Timeline feature exposed

By Daily Mail Reporter 04:45 BST twenty five Sep 2011, updated Nineteen:38 BST twenty five Sep two thousand eleven

With a slew of cosmetic switches and tweaks, Facebook users could be forgiven for getting a little frustrated over the last few days.

But the social network’s fresh Timeline feature looks set to indeed enrage users after it emerged the capability to anonymously ‘defriend’ people will become a thing of the past.

Using the fresh feature, which is set to be flipped out in the near future, users will be able to see all their entire Facebook history – including their shifting friends lists.

Busted: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg supplies a keynote during the Facebook f8 Developer Conference at the San Francisco Design Center

Along with every picture, message and app used, Timeline will permit people to see which of your previous ‘friends’ at somepoint determined to end the relationship.


The fresh timeline feature is reminiscent of an online scrapbook, with the most significant photos, text, music and movie that users have collective or will share on Facebook over the years. The timeline can go back to include years before Facebook even existed, so users can add photos and events from, say one thousand nine hundred ninety five when they got married or one thousand nine hundred seventy when they were born.

It is intended to substitute the current layout, but critics have said it may alienate some of the ‘older’ Facebook generation.

The redesigned pages have a more magazine-like photo-heavy feel, with a large ‘cover photo’ at the top of the page .

On the right of the page there will be a timeline that cracks down all posts from a person’s time on Facebook and permits viewers to hop back to people’s earliest posts with a break down month-by-month.

For the very first time, the site will permit you to add photos and content from before Facebook existed in a fresh ‘Way Back’ section.

Zuckerberg said the fresh profile page had been designed so that, ‘you can tell the entire story of your life on a single page’.

Speaking to BuzzFeed, community manager at Mashable Meghan Peters said: ‘There is a way where you can go in to a certain point in time and basically, if you look at your friends tab, maybe from three years ago, and you see the ‘Add Friend’ button from someone in that list, that will basically tell you that they have defriended you since you became their friend.

‘I think that people will certainly be upset by it.

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‘I mean, it always hurts to know that someone isn’t your friend anymore.’

The Facebook is attempting to evolve from an Internet hangout where people sway by to share tidbits, links and photos to a homestead decorated with the memories, desires and diversions of its eight hundred million users.

In what may be the boldest step yet in the company’s seven-year history, Facebook is redesigning its users’ profile pages to create what CEO Mark Zuckerberg says is a ‘fresh way to express who you are.’

It is betting that despite early grumblings, its vast audience will become even more fastened to a website that keeps pushing the envelope.

To that effect, it is introducing fresh ways for people to connect with friends, brands and games while also sharing details about their lives from the mundane to the intimate.

‘If you look at Facebook’s history, obviously they are not afraid of making switch,’ said Sean Corcoran, an analyst with Forrester Research.

History: Along with every picture, message and app used, Timeline will permit people to see which of your previous ‘friends’ at some point determined to end the relationship

‘They have done a lot of big switches in the past and people have gotten upset. But most of the time Facebook has been right.’

Zuckerberg introduced the Facebook ‘timeline’ along with fresh entertainment and media company partnerships on Thursday in San Francisco, at the annual ‘f8’ conference attended by about Two,000 entrepreneurs, developers and journalists.

The event was also being broadcast to, at one point, more than 100,000 online viewers.

The switches seek to convert how and how much people share things online, just as Facebook has been doing since its scrappy embark as a college-only network.

The overhaul also presents a fresh challenge for Google Inc., which has been scrambling to catch up with the launch of its own a social network, Google Plus, three months ago.

The timeline, which will eventually substitute users’ current profile pages, is reminiscent of an online scrapbook packed with the most significant photos and text that they have collective on Facebook over the years.

It’s where people express their real selves and merge their online and offline lives even more than they are doing now.

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